Coming Soon...

Schedules for ministers, servers, and greeters
The Human Concerns Committee is involved in various works of charity. This includes volunteering at the Shalom Center Soup Kitchen on the 1st Friday of every month, annual mailings of care packages to our troops in Iraq & Afghanistan, participating each June with 5 other north side parishes in a blood drive, and providing food & presents for 35 ?40 families at Christmas. The committee, with the generous help of our parish family, continues to support First Step Services. This is the only daytime homeless shelter in Kenosha. It is located at 1017 ?63rd Street (262-605-8859).
St. Vincent De Paul
St. Peter Church has an active St. Vincent De Paul Chapter. With the funds received from the sales at the store, 6201 ?14th Avenue (262-657-6366) ?we help the needy with rent, utilities, food, medical bills, gas and other necessities needed by families. If you or someone you know is in need, please call 262-237-4988 between the hours of 9 am ? noon on week days.